Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Personal Plea on 9-11

I'm SorryI feel lucky that I did not know any of the victims from the events surrounding 9-11. However, that did not stop my heart from aching or the tears from running down my face as I watched the 9-11 coverage this weekend.  I hurt…not only for the victims of 9-11...but for the family members and friends they left behind.  As we remember the tragedies of 9-11 and all that it means to each of us, I pray that you are strengthened and comforted each day forward.  And in all things, trust God's wisdom as He continues to direct the events and occurrences in your life.

My plea…

During the coverage of 9-11, I listened to many people…mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, uncles, aunts, grandmothers, grandfathers, and friends...remind us of the horrific pain that comes with losing a love one.  While many have found the courage and strength to move forward, others remain paralyzed with grief.  As a young woman who lost her beloved father at age 18, I can honestly say I understand your pain.  I still vividly remember the day my father passed away.  Strangely enough, it happened in September.

In memory of the victims of 9-11, I ask each of you to search your hearts and your minds and if there is anyone that you have been conflicting with…arguing with…disagreeing with…or refusing to talk is time to make amends!  Life is too short to continue holding a grudge, regardless of the circumstances.  If you have harmed someone in the past or have mistreated another human being…whether it is your mother, father, sister, brother, co-worker, or friend…it is time to make amends before it is too late.  Even if you feel that you were wronged and the other party should be the first to apologize, I plead with you to be the bigger person and apologize.  And remember, an apology is just that…an apology.  It need not come with explanations or expectations.  It is simply spoken from the heart.

I wish you well and if you would like to share your story of apology with me, please feel free to write to me at  Be Blessed!

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Lisa Dunham, MBA, CDPE, ABR, ePRO 
Allison James Estates & Homes 
703-298-6546 (Mobile)

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